The technology of A+K時見 balanced differenti弟下al pressure flowmeter originates from 市如NASA, It was mainly designe土個d and developed for the measure電公ment of liquid oxygen and li放在quid hydrogen, of the main engine of道在 the space shuttle. Later, it w歌看as introduced into China and 線家applied to Chinese space industry些民. At present, it is being u愛人sed in China's five major space launc議計h centers.
The nuclear industry uses nuclear ener笑從gy to convert into electricity, heat 不刀and mechanical power. At the same tim個議e, in the development of nati子到onal economy, nuclear雪下 industry also plays a商美n extremely important position 知輛and role. A+K products are used i綠土n high temperature and 道暗high pressure small diame什計ter loops, nuclear island second l員說oop, high temperature and high pressu一金re water flow test equipment, etc., we 現來meet the strict requirements of the i關家ndustry and running s習就tabilities.
The petrochemical indust公鐵ry is a chemical industry wit來用h oil and natural gas上通 as raw materials. The petrochem近機ical industry has bec但裡ome the basic industry in th朋化e chemical industry and occupies a ver裡現y important position裡厭 in the national econom窗計y. For olefins such as et的離hylene, propylene, butadie近的ne and aromatic hydrocarbons 國拿such as benzene, tolu些業ene and xylene, A+K balanced products c為男an give full play to the advantages o做水f products to solve the diffic慢吧ulties in industry meas微舊urement, and can reduce energy黃湖 consumption, cost and 線相efficiency of equipmen睡間t.
The metallurgical industry, in黃水volves the measureme費老nt of the flow of vari在睡ous gases, vapors and liq裡唱uids. Balance flowmeter is很雪 a commonly used differential p兒金ressure measuring instrumen會遠t, which has a good performance 城費on measuring converter gas and blast f訊土urnace gas in iron making, ste跳廠el making, steel rolling and other pr你林ocesses.
Chinese glass productio家水n mainly adopts float glass proces車短s. There are nearly 20城少0 float lines, which is greater than h還日alf of the world's production紙舊 capacity. The float glass間通 process can be simply divided int機道o glass melting, waste heat recover秒這y, smoke exhaust gas supply and o司藍ther parts. The precision of raw ma生商terial ratio is high, 山兒and the finished product rate is s作到trictly controlled. A+K balan吃拍ce flowmeter has a leading edge in th北家e glass industry.
The electric power indu海分stry involves thermal power ge街近neration, gas turbine p些房ower generation, garbage environmen員山tal power generation, d玩照istributed energy, biomass power我樹 generation and solid waste pow暗兒er generation, waste heat p離很ower generation, new喝分 energy/photovoltaic power generat兒弟ion, heating transformation/heat n線相etwork metering, etc. The main a弟刀dvantages of balanced flowmete員音r lie with in the special conditio校村ns such as high temperature and中金 high pressure, and the overall 黑物processing form of AKET meets the req兒科uirements of 515 "Regulatio友麗n on Safety Technolo多信gy for Boiler".
The acquisition of low temperature is 短拍closely related to the liqu場雜efaction of gas. The cryogenic liquid些門 separation method has beco雪影me the first choice to鄉讀 adapt to large-scale industrial pr大個oduction. Cryogenic liquid is 雜去easy to gasify after離電 pressure loss, A+K 文站balance flowmeter adop靜老ts porous balance st湖器ructure, with a small permanent 線得pressure loss, it can significantl亮開y reduce gasification. At the same time光請, A+K balance flowmeter'對畫s is overall filled with the measu你錢ring liquid, thus it's bo購一dy stays at a consta就暗nt cryogenic tempera但為ture, further reduce gasificati市火on problem, and impr工路ove the measurement accuracy.
In the process of pharmaceut技門ical production, hydrogenation reaction廠紙 is very common, including煙樂 aromatic ring hydrogenati暗服on, hydrogen nitrogen release, hyd訊跳rogen oxygen release, olefin hydrog近對enation and other major reaction type女暗s. However, in the pr頻離ocess of hydrogenation, un劇雪reasonable ratio, too la吃唱rge of pressure or temperature will lea的聽d to danger. Balance flowmete玩鐘r can well solve such problems.
In municipal gas, heat pip紅哥e network, water treatment and other 志家fields, A+K balance p有們roducts has unique sensor st章但ructure, because of its hig唱技h precision, low pressure los師事s, easy installation, sh唱機ort straight pipe section 地也requirements, easy maint近數enance and other chara們玩cteristics, it is widely used in the 為都industry. It also can ac們也hieve two-way measurement, can be有紙 used as a trade measurement device門相.